Type of data collected by NuovoPay App

The following set of data is collected from the Device, each item contains the reasoning behind why that data is collected and how it is used by the system.

  • SIM Info viz. IMSI, ICCID, Phone Number, Carrier: Dependant on your Device provider - They can enable this to enforce SIM Based security features like Locking the device to a SIM or a set of SIM Cards that can be used. This can be disabled by the Device Provider.
  • IMEI, Serial No: This is collected to maintain the inventory of devices plus assignment of Subsription per device.
  • Device Details: NuovoPay collects ANDROID_ID, Device make, model, OS and OS Version, Timezone and Screen Resolution to give additional insights into the inventory for admins.
  • Location: Location is by default off and the device provider can choose to enforce this by presenting an EULA to the end user and once end user accepts it the Location collection is on. Location collected is displayed to the Device provider.

Technical Debugging: In the event of an issue on specific devices, where we can’t remotely detect issues, we may send command to NuovoPay client app to pull out debug logs to troubleshoot, this log file itself is encrypted and transferred over TLS, it contains debugging logs of the NuovoPay.